Amnesia The Bunker (2023)



Very fun, if a little short. I'm not the type who would be interested in replaying to see how it would differ. I felt that had one more bunker area been present (or if the final section had been longer), I would have been much more satisfied. In addition, I felt there were too many items. I suppose the point of that is you will run into different items in your playthrough than someone else will. Or will run into different things if you play it again. But again, that's not really interesting to me. So for me, I didn't like that there were several tools I never made use of. Felt weird. But monster was proper scary. Excellent return to form after Machine for Pigs and Rebirth. Not nearly as smart as the alien in Alien Isolation (2014), but I made several comparisons to it. It wasn't dissimilar in feeling.
