Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories (2004)


Chain of Memories is a weird one. Re:COM significantly more so. The port is a largely faithful adaptation of the original gameboy advance version. Which is rather a strange thing. A largely faithful 3d adaptation of a 2d gameboy game. For what it's worth, I did quite enjoy the original COM. I didn't have much of a desire to continuously play it once beating it. I played the story, enjoyed doing so, and moved on to greener pastures. RECOM is a little meh. I don't dislike the card combat, which is the big sticking point for most people. My biggest problem with it is that it simply isn't a game style that translates well to 3d. The downsides become all too obvious. Whereas I don't think that's necessarily the case for something like Birth By Sleep. Was a handheld game, but was 3d and so when it was remade, I think it translates far better.

The other main issue is simply that it's not so fun replaying through all the same worlds as KH1. I don't mind when we revisit worlds in KH2, because there's been development and we have a story happening. In COM, 90% of the story happens in the Castle Oblivion sections in between floors, which is a little frustrating.

So to generalize: not as good to other games, but I enjoy it well enough.
