Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II (2004)

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Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: The Reckoning: Return of the Colon (The Punctuation Mark, Not The Body Part: The Sequel) is an RPG developed by Obsidian and published by LucasArts. It was released in 2004, originally for Xbox and later for Windows.

In this Let's Play I'll be joined by a couple of my friends along the way (again)! The playthrough is a (still mostly) blind one. I myself have not played the game and didn't know much about it while playing. Though some of us certainly did. But what's certainly new this time is the Sith Lords Restored Content Modification, available farm-fresh home-grown at your local Steam Workshop. It's supposed to restore a lot of the stuff that got cut out of the game, as well as a number of bugs and such. So join us again on an adventure a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.


Better in pretty much every way to KOTOR1 in my opinion. Again, it absolutely shows its age with the gameplay. It's a bit garbage to me. But I really like Obsidian's style of storytelling. To me pretty clearly superior to Bioware. The game's unfinished state is definitely annoying. I played a version of the game with the big mod that tries to fix a number of bugs and restore some of the unfinished bits. So I didn't get quite the normal KOTOR2 experience. But even with that, I could feel the last world was a bit thrown together. HK Factory was wretched, shoulda been playtested. I know that's hardly the responsible of the mod-makers but it was really really a slog. I would recommend not doing it, personally.

