2001 A Space Odyssey (1968)

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Kubrick is wild for this. It is all real impressive. Another film on the list that I'd seen many a time before. So not too many thoughts other than just a general appreciation for probably my favorite director.

I did notice something that didn't quite occur to me previously. At the point where Bowman and Poole are going over the component that HAL says was no good, they find that it is in fact fine. HAL's excuse is that it simply must have been human error. as you're watching of course you're thinking "Ah, tricksy little robot. Lying so soon." But he's actually totally truthful here. It is fact human error that's causing this issue. (Having been given conflicting orders) You could say that he is in fact trying to convey that to the two of them.

The other thing I thought of, having been fully Lynch-pilled since the last time I saw this film is the whole ending scene in the beyond. I bet you anything the red room scenes in Twin Peaks are a sort of homage to this bit. Where Bowman is seeing himself in the weirdo hotel. It's even got the marble statues. I believe I read in Catching the Big Fish that Kubrick was one of Lynch's favorite directors. So I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case with the red room. Need to look into the art that is displayed in that place. I would imagine there is a deeper meaning behind the choice in what art to show.