All About Eve (1950)
Very fun, felt a bit long for my tastes but enjoyably performances all around. In particular I loved Margo. Bette Davis gave the best performance of the pack, most definitely. She was fully just a royal, "People have been beheaded for less!" She's great, very snappy dialogue. Droll, but scathing. And Addison is such a great sinister presence.
I didn't much care for the ending of the film, though. Like I get what we're going for. It's cyclical, the violence. But we already get hints of that when we learn of Margo and Addison's relationship. So when Addison (the devil himself) tells Eve he owns her, I can see what we're trying to say. I think I would have ended it after the acceptance banquet. When everyone is leaving. The ending with the crazy fan feels like a bit too much. I liked everyone from the film staring Eve down as she's giving her speech. No need to add another character in the mix at the end.
We'll be seeing you soon, Marilyn.