Apocalypse Now (1979)


I'm very tired. That was a lot. I wasn't aware that we were journeying into Hell. I mean, Vietnam. So, of course. But I didn't know about the whole descending into increasingly bizarre places. I was not a fan of the Dark Carnival. In particular, it was tiring because by the time we reach Dis and kill off Marlon Brando, it didn't even feel very good. Marlon Brando was making some points and the very journey there took so much from us. We watched the long extended super ultra platinum director's cut. And I will say, I think it was a bit too long. I would've cut most of the New Paris sequence with the French I think. And there were bits and pieces of the scenery that could get cut out. I didn't dislike it or anything, there's just room to cut and I think I can see bits that probably wouldn't have made it into the theatrical.

So glad we got rid of the puppy ASAP. The longer he was on screen, the more afraid I was. I was certain the poor pup was gonna get got in some wretched way.