Ben-Hur (1959)


I loved Ben-Hur. It definitely felt long, but it was an epic. It was enjoyable throughout and I felt like we had really gone on a journey. It really made me want to see more big productions like this. The scenes with large crowds in particular were so surprising. I, multiple times, said "How are they doing this?" I have no doubt it was hell managing such a large cast, with the many many extras. The chariot race was so good and I was on the edge of my seat watching it.

I can't believe they did a remake of this in the year of our lord 2016. Who on God's green earth watches Ben-Hur and thinks "I can do it better"? I don't have to watch it to know that it's garbage. There is nothing here than needs to be revisited or done better. It's ridiculous that it happened and I can't stand Hollywood's incessant need to remake things. (I'm aware of the irony of this statement given this one was itself a remake of an earlier silent film version) But seriously, I think everyone has a sort of a sense of there being a sniff test to remakes. You just know when something's garbage vs not. The signs are there. Any time they're remaking a classic (literally in top 100!), you know it's no good. Reminds me of that Wonka origin trash that's coming out soon.