Blade Runner (1982)


I like Ridley Scott as a director. I personally am more of an Alien fan (see AvP Retrospective), but Blade Runner is good too. I've watched Blade Runner twice now, the first time only a couple of months back. So I'm not particularly attached to the franchise. The version I watched both times would be the most recent of the 50 different director's cuts, the "Final Cut".

One of my biggest takeaways, though is that it felt a bit short. I feel like they're cramming a lot in there. The Final Cut was just shy of 2 hours, but it really felt like there could have been another 30 minutes in there to give it more room to breathe. Once we get the first replicant, we're kind of on rails for the rest of the movie. It felt a little rushed to me. I think would have appreciated a bit more downtime in act 2, similar to the bits in act 1. Where Decker is just roaming the horrible dirty city getting food and whatnot. Give us more room to sit with the philosophical questions being asked.

I do need need to to get around to watching the 2040 whatever sequel. I know it was well-received, which I'm sure caused a sigh of relief among the long-time Blade Runner fans. Just haven't gotten to it yet.