Bonnie and Clyde (1967)



I wanted FDR to come and fix things badly. The 30s were no good. People just be shootin each other and going robbing just for some fun. No video games. But they were so charismatic. In particular, I love how a lot of the time that our heroes(?) are interacting with the non-law folks, it's usually pretty amicable. The scene where the gang abducts Gene Wilder and it really looks for a moment like the gang is gonna expand. Big highlight. I do find it fun that Gene Wilder did like this one serious role and then Mel Brooks came in and snatched him away and took him to a life of comedy.

I really like due process. I like when criminals are captured and they are given a trial and they are deemed guilty by a jury of their peers. And then they go to jail. I like when that happens, it's very enjoyable. The shootout at the end did not feel good. Very "what are we doing..."