Goodfellas (1990)


I feel like the people that say that Martin Scorsese glorifies crime aren't really watching his movies. This was another stresser. Now granted, I've only seen a couple of his movies. But both that fall into that crime movie subgenre (Goodfellas and Wolf of Wall Street), seem like damning indictments of the whole lifestyle. It starts out fun and bright, but gradually just brings us lower and lower and lower. The whole helicopter scene.

Lots of Sopranos in this one. I've only seen a few things Lorraine Bracco has been in (Goodfellas and Sopranos are the only that come to mind), but I like her in particular. She's a great actress. Loved the scene where she's shouting at Ray Liotta outside the store in front of all his crime friends. Liotta was great as well of course, the narration in particular. But just saying I quite enjoyed Bracco's performance.

I've seen Goodfellas twice. The first was years ago, well before I had seen Sopranos. And I will say, I got a lot more from the movie after being more aware of the whole thing. The crime family dynamics, the slang, etc.