King Kong (1933)


I really like adventure movies. Every adventure movie from the List has been a big highlight. This one a little less so, but very fun despite its faults. Of the many many King Kongs, the only one I had seen prior was the Peter Jackson one. And I gotta hand it to him. He really added another layer to everything. Kong was way more sympathetic in that one than in the original. Woman was screaming the whole time in this movie. Maybe that came in one of the millionty billion sequels and remakes. Who even knows or could say. I like how at the end he talks about how it was beauty that killed the beast. was the American planes, sir. Perhaps you did not see them from the ground? I dunno if that was really what they were going for in this. I didn't really feel a connection between Kong and Woman.

The movie really emphasized that gorillas are faraway friends. They're just like us...over there. And they can, and should, stay over there. And we over here.