Spartacus (1960)


A good movie and it has reinforced my love of the big epic (occasionally sword and sandals) movies. Ben-Hur (1959) is the obvious point of comparison here and unfortunately I will say I think Ben-Hur has Spartacus entirely beat. Ben-Hur has the insane going the extra mile energy to it that Spartacus doesn't quite get to for me. An unreasonably high bar, but the bar is there. I think my biggest problem with the film is it does feel a bit odd with the messaging. Like, I get it. But Tyler calling the gladiators Americans did really get the point across that that they really did not feel like they're of the time and place. Giving very Spartans defending democracy from the Persians in 300 energy. Where you're kind of back-loading a lot more meaning than was really there. The other thing is, call me crazy, but I feel like Jesus made for a bit of a better martyr than Spartacus. I only mention because of the silly comparisons between the two movies.

Also I know Rome is bastard but their faggotry was really winning me over and making me root for them. I don't want the dark ages and Caesar and Crassus are well-fit Romans. I did like that, despite having a large number of extras, we keep seeing the same ones throughout the camp scenes. Just seeing them all living their lives and checking up with them. Was nice to see, knowing the majority of them are all about to go.

Overall, definitely good. I had a couple nits to pick, but I like movies where it feels like we've gone on a whole journey by the end.