Sunrise (1927)


The first silent film of the list, from nearly 100 years ago. We're not even at the talkies. But it was way better than I was expecting. Again, much like Yankee Doodle Dandy, I was bracing for impact. It was actually quite good, though. There was cinematography going on that movies 20 years in the future couldn't handle. The scene where the Man meets with the Woman from the City at the lake spring to mind.

I was thinking it was gonna be a very different movie than it ended up being. Given the whole dark broody beginning bits. I did find myself kind of wanting it to go darker. There was some Lynchian atmosphere going on in the beginning. But that's ok, not everything needs to be horribly dark. There's plenty of that on the list already. I don't usually go romantic too, but the movie was quite sweet. I mean the Man was totally gonna murder his wife in cold blood because a witch from the city told him to, but I mean he did buy her flowers afterward. So really he does deserve forgiveness.

Honestly though, my prevailing thought was how ahead of the times the movie felt. I mean there was sound effects and everything! I heard people when the people on the screen were talking. Crazy stuff.