Swing Time (1936)


Swing Time was the first miss for us. It was fine. But I struggle to understand why it's on the list of the best American films of all time. And higher than Yankee Doodle Dandy? What does Swing Time do that Yankee Doodle doesn't? I genuinely can't think of anything. Like, it was funny enough. And it only had one horrible minstrel bit. But what in this movie screams out across time that it should rise above all others and claim the 90th best spot? I don't know. I really don't. Our theory is perhaps that it simply was more of a thing in pop culture and so has stuck around the movie culture circles than other movies have. But we truly aren't sure. I would give this one the boot.

Also, it felt very contrived the whole setup. I'll let you marry my daughter if you can make exactly this amount of money. Seemed silly and not real and brought me out of it a bit. Sorry Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.