The Sound of Music (1965)


I was frightened when I saw that this was from the same man that brought us West Side Story. I was so not a fan. I have actually seen Sound of Music before. I believe I was shown it at some point during grade school music class. So it's been years. I had only the vaguest of recollections of the movie. A small handful of scenes or bits of song.

It was generally enjoyable. It did lapse a bit too much into the sing-talking that I can't stand. I did enjoy how we start with this super happy dancing and singing Funtime and by the end of the movies we're heading in a crypt from the Nazis. They really like to leave their mark whenever they're present, huh?

I do think that the songs were quite catchy. The worst thing is a musical where the songs are no good. But I did find myself humming a number of tunes after finishing the film. Cabaret is significantly higher in my mind, in terms of musicals taking place just prior to WW2. If I had a nickel...