Unforgiven (1992)


Eh, it was a whatever for me. I've been told, once again, that this was an anti-Western. My running theory from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) does seem to be holding true. Where it's all about the characters. And there was just no one in the movie that I particularly liked at all. I guess that writer man was nice. Morgan Freeman is always good. It just felt all too obvious where we were headed. Like I could see the path the movie was taking from the beginning.

I do think that we hit on something interesting with this movie. I don't think I like when things in a movie are really just about sociological level concepts. The themes of vengeance vs justice. I think my problem with it, right, is that when a movie does that. I.e. a character represents some higher sociological movement or concept, I find it difficult to get back to the character level. Because once that realization hits, the character only ever does whatever aligns with the sociological thing they represent. They lose their freewill and agency. To me, it feels like they stop being a character. And that generally isn't what I want because an individual character is almost always more interesting than a concept.